Karen I. Hirsch Photography

khirsch@kihphoto.com            312-658-0700


November 3, 2018

Yesterday, November 2, from 6:00 to 11:00 PM, my photos appeared for 15 seconds every 10 minutes or so on digital billboards at Times Square in New York City.  This was part of a National Media Day special offer made to the American Society of Media photographers.  I designed the content of my three billboards which are located at 49th and 7th Avenue facing west. The tallest billboard is 12 stories high and the two side billboards are 55 feet wide.  

This is probably the closest I'll ever get to having my name on Broadway, but as a marketing statement, this is BIG!

It's difficult to see the horizontal billboards in the video, so here are the mock-ups of the boards. The Chicago skyline above was made into a panorama from multiple images.