Karen I. Hirsch Photography

khirsch@kihphoto.com            312-658-0700

Jet formation in Chicago Air & Water Show
Jet formation in Chicago Air & Water Show
3 jets passing by the Chicago skyline
Blue Angels Jet formation in Chicago Air & Water Show
Blue Angels aerobatics - 5 planes
Jet formation doing dive maneuver in Chicago Air & Water Show
Jet formation in Chicago Air & Water Show
Jet formation in Chicago Air & Water Show


August 20, 2018

The Chicago Air and Water show is a perennial crowd pleaser. It took place over the weekend - August 18th and 19th along the Chicago lake front. Unfortunately, I missed it this year, but thought I'd post some images from last year's event as a flashback.

Photographing the planes as they go by is a delightful challenge for me. It turns photography into the sport of hunting without the collateral damage. The Navy's Blue Angels and the Air Force's Thunderbird jets do amazing aerobatics and fly by in formation at super speeds. The daring of the pilots is truly awesome.


ZOOM !!!