Karen I. Hirsch Visual Art
Black & White Spider Awards 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019

The 14th Annual International Black and White Spider Awards gave honors to two of my photos. Gravesite Geometry was made at a cemetery in Chile. Stepping through the Light shows the silhouette of one of my friends in Houston, Texas.
6,418 entries were received from 73 countries. The Jury represented some of the photo industry's biggest names. They came from the Musee de l'Elysee, Lausanne; The Guardian, London; Contrasto Galleria, Milan; Travel/Discovery Channel, New York; Harper's Bazaar, UK; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Zurich; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna; Conny Dietzschold Galleries, Sydney; and Pereira O'Dell in New York.